CRADL, center for research on atypical development and learningThe Center for Research on Atypical Development and Learning (CRADL) is an interdisciplinary center founded in 1998.  It stimulates basic and applied research, and facilitates educational and outreach efforts, in areas related to atypical development and learning.

CRADL and its faculty coordinate and support scholarly efforts that focus on gaining a fuller understanding of atypical development and learning processes from birth through adolescence.  Our goals include:

  • To raise visibility of Georgia State University’s outstanding research programs in atypical development and learning.
  • To attract new students who want to further understand atypical development and learning from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • To provide an interdisciplinary forum for sharing on-going research and formulating new research projects related to atypical development and learning
  • To inform and evaluate treatment efforts to ameliorate problems in development and learning through research findings.
  • To address policy issues at the university, local, state, and national level related to atypical development and learning.

Each semester CRADL hosts formal and informal talks during which faculty, students, and the general public can listen to presentations on a wide range of research projects and community resources.